Our reviews

(98 Reviews)
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May 11, 2024
Always good

October 25, 2023
Great customer service

October 20, 2023
Everything was fresh and expertly made.

October 06, 2023
Something didn't taste quite right. Most of the dishes tasted a bit off.

August 12, 2023
Delicious as always! Still my favourite.

July 03, 2023
The service is amazing and you get your money’s worth! Everytime I come here they always find a way to make it taste better than the last time! I definitely recommend trying out their maki rolls as well as their all you can eat menu!

July 02, 2023
Food taste and serving is okay. Rice is the best!

May 11, 2023
It was great!

April 06, 2023
Forgot to send the tempura dipping sauce otherwise everything was delicious thanks!

February 03, 2023
Good food but missed out I. One meal